Battling On at Tatton Park Flower Show

In July, several Battling On staff went to Manchester to attend the Tatton Park Flower Show. Kenny Raybould, our master Horticulturalist, had put together designs for the Fleurs de Villes portion of the show. He put together a Tamar landgirl, Barbara, and she went on a grand trip to the north! 

This three-part video series documents Barbara's arrival to Merryhue farm, all the way up to show day! We hope you enjoy the journey as much as we did.

Director Nikki Markham awarded MBE

We at Battling On are incredibly proud to announce that our founder and director, Nikki Markham, has just been awarded an MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) 'for services to communities in the South West of England, particularly during COVID-19 (Callington)’. Nikki is a former SSE (School for Social Entrepreneurs) fellow and a judge for the Soldiering On Awards.

If you would like to learn more about the work Nikki Markham and Battling On have been doing, you can take a look at our website or follow our social media:

Battling On Presented with E2 Media Award of Excellence

We are proud to announce that we have been awarded the E2 Media Award of Excellence. Journalists selected Battling On to receive the award for our work over the past 12 months. Ossie Glover, Director at Battling On, was delighted to receive the award.

"The past year, 2020, and COVID-19, had a huge impact on Battling On, given the number of isolated veterans who were undergoing severe mental health issues. It became clear that, through working together as a team, not only did we manage to help and support many of the veterans, but we now have veterans supporting each other through camaraderie and a sense of belonging. We continue to grow and welcome any veteran who feels isolated, or just seeking support to contact us."
-Ossie Glover
Director, Battling On

Our Thanks to Devon and Cornwall Community Foundations

We'd like to thank Devon Community Foundation and Cornwall Community Foundation for helping us to improve the lives of Veterans!

CCF websites:

DCF websites:

Battling On presented with COVID Hero Award

Battling On are proud to announce that we have been presented with a Certificate of Recognition by Social Farms & Gardens for our response to the COVID crisis. 
It has been a tough year for us all, but Battling On, along with other grassroots organisations, have been working around the clock to ensure the care and well-being of the vulnerable in our communities. Nikki and Ossie, for example, had their phones active at all times, ready to react to calls from those in need.
We will continue to help those in our community, even after the COVID restrictions pass. A big thank you goes to those involved in the awards ceremony and to Social Farms & Gardens!

We'll see you soon,
All the staff at Battling On

COVID Testing at Merryhue Farm

Happy New Year

2020 was a hard year for everybody. COVID restrictions made it a particularly challenging year, and we understand that moving into 2021 isn't going to make that magically disappear. However, we believe that there is a light emerging at the end of the tunnel. We hope that this year will make up for the previous!

The farm is still observing proper COVID safety protocols, so please be aware of the rules if and when they arise. But no matter what, the team at Together We Can Succeed will strive to ensure you get the most from our wonderful facilities.

We wish you a Happy New Year. We'll see you on the farm!

Battling On help to deliver over 200 Gift Packs through Plymouth

Special thanks to the National Lottery Community Fund. Battling On have been helping to put together gift packs for the children of families in Plymouth who have been struggling through Covid.

View this video for more information: 

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